ホーム > This is our school


This is our school



(えいごのじゅぎょうで これまでの がっこうせいかつの ふりかえりと がっこうしょうかいを かんがえました。 せいとが かんがえたものの いちぶを しょうかいします。)

This school will help me learn to speak Japanese.

and how to write Kanji.

The teachers here are very nice and funny.

Every time I ask them questions about our lesson.

They make sure that I understand it.

They also make me laugh a lot even when I’m sad, that’s what I love about them.

My older classmates are also very kind, they help me all the time when I don’t understand something about our lesson. But I also help them in English class.

Our Home Economics class is the most exciting because we always get to eat!

Our P.E. (Physical Education) is very fun, but I always get tired when I lose at badminton.


Every day I’m very excited to go to school.

That’s why I get there early.

I like going to school early and playing games with the teachers.

I like my classmates, they are very funny and fun to talk to.

The teachers are very nice too.

I wish we had more time here at school.

I also like memorizing kanji.

Japanese class is also a lot of fun.

We can learn a lot of things.

And we can tell some jokes to make the whole class laugh.

Math is also fun.

The teacher is very great.

He teaches at a speed that everyone can understand.

He slows down when we can’t keep up.

And he waits for us.

I like P.E. for its sports and I love running.

I like drawing in art.